Crowdfunding on Movie Production (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho asked Young-Eun, "By the way, what about you, Young-Eun? Your maternity leave will soon end. I think you should quit your job at Seoul National University Hospital, and stay home and focus on raising our child— Sang-Min."

"No way."

"Why not? I'm giving you enough money for living expenses, aren't I? Aren't you satisfied with your loving husband and adorable son at home? Your life at home will be very comfortable. Think about it."

"I will be regressing if I stay home."

"Then find a job close to home. It doesn't have to be a large hospital, right? You can find a deputy director position in a small doctor's office maybe."

"The work itself is usually harder, and the workload is heavier in a small doctor's office."

"What's your plan then? Do you want to keep the helper lady and do nothing at home since she will take care of our child?"