Crowdfunding on Movie Production (4) – Part 1

Gun-Ho received a call from his sister.

"Is it a good time to talk, Gun-Ho?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"You know that we are leasing the building that used to be a daycare center, and we now use it for our office building."

"What about it?"

"The owner of the building just placed it on the market for sale. And I want to buy it. Will it be okay with you?"

"Does GH Logistics have enough money to buy the building?"

"We have 200 million won in our business bank account."

"How much does the building owner want?"

"He is asking for 200 million won, but the price is negotiable. I think we can get it for 180 million won."

"Why does he want to sell the building? He is receiving a monthly rent from us, and we are a good tenant. It's a nice income-generating property."

"His son needs money to open his own business."

"I've seen many people, who have good real estate properties, having problems like that with their son."

"Yeah, I know."