Secret Affair in Seattle (2) – Part 2

When they were almost done with the dinner, Gun-Ho suggested, "I have a nice black tea in my hotel room at Sheraton Walkerhill Hotel. Why don't we go there and have a cup of tea? It's a suite room, so there is a living room where we can talk without being interrupted."

Gun-Ho always stayed in a hotel suite room during his business trip, especially if he had an important matter that he needed to discuss with someone. A suite room in a hotel provided a living room that was separate from a bedroom. He liked to discuss business with people in the hotel living room because it was private and quiet, and no one would hear the conversation in his hotel room.

"Sure. Let's go," Mr. Brandon Burke said as he stood up from his seat.

Gun-Ho prepared three cups of black tea himself in his hotel suite room at Sheraton, and placed them on the table for Mr. Brandon Burke and Professor Han.