Secret Affair in Seattle (3) – Part 1

After Mr. Brandon Burke left Gun-Ho's hotel room, Gun-Ho and Professor Han were still in the room.

Gun-Ho said to Professor Han, "Thank you for your help today. It was a fantastic interpretation work."

"It was just interpretation work. What could be fantastic about it?"

"It was very natural and didn't cut the conversation flow at all. It was very smooth overall. I do like your pronunciation as well."

"I had fun too. The real business world is very interesting as I have always expected."

"No, it's not fun. Which part of what I just did is fun?"

"Well, it is fun for me."

"I'm going back to Korea tomorrow. Well, let's go outside and have a drink together."

"There is a Chicken Valley downtown Seattle. Let's go there."

Gun-Ho and Professor Han went to the Chicken Valley and had chicken dishes with beer.

"Let's have a toast," Professor Han first suggested.

Gun-Ho replied, "Sure. For the lonely man in the Northwest of the U.S.!"