Mori Aikko’s Audition (4) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was wondering how long he had been in bed.

At the moment, Mori Aikko got up and started putting her clothes on, and then she turned around to look at Gun-Ho and said, "Oppa, are you going to stay in bed?"

"Huh? What time is it? Is it 5:30 pm already? Shoot. I'm going to be late for the dinner appointment."

Gun-Ho got up quickly and started dressing.

"Let's make a call for a taxi. It could take long to catch a taxi on the street."

The two called a taxi, and then they walked out of the condo.

"Let's take the taxi together. I will drop you off in Shinjuku City on the way to the restaurant in Akasaka."

"When can I see you again, oppa?"

"I think I will see you in Shanghai City."



The taxi arrived. Gun-Ho dropped off Mori Aikko in Shinjuku City and headed to Akasaka. When he arrived at the restaurant, it was a little bit after 6 pm.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

"I guess you lost track of time while you were with the beautiful woman."