Mori Aikko’s Audition (4) – Part 2

Ms. President Choi left Gun-Ho's table when a group of new customers entered the restaurant. Mr. Yoshitaka Matsuda asked Gun-Ho, "It seems that you've known Ms. Mori Aikko for a long while, Mr. President Goo. If you don't mind me asking… can I ask you how you know Ms. Mori Aikko, sir?"

"Umm, actually… I'm Mori Aikko's sponsor."

"Huh? Mori Aikko's sponsor, sir? That's surprising. I thought that Mori Aikko would have a Japanese sponsor with an enormous amount of money. I've never expected to see her having a foreigner as her sponsor."

Director Woon-Hak Sim didn't seem to understand the conversation between Gun-Ho and Mr. Yoshitaka Matsuda. He asked, "What is a sponsor for a geisha?"

Mr. Yoshitaka Matsuda didn't answer Director Sim's question, but instead, he asked another question to Gun-Ho, "I guess you put her hair up then, Mr. President Goo."

"Yes, I did."

"Of course, you are an Otoko (man)."

Mr. Yoshitaka Matsuda clapped in amazement.