GH Mobile is Growing (1) – Part 1

It was Monday, and Gun-Ho went to work in GH Mobile in Jiksan Town.

When he arrived there, numerous freight trucks were coming and going out and into GH Mobile's first factory and second factory buildings. Its 650 workers were busily working systematically. Gun-Ho had always emphasized the importance of their production site to his employees, since they were in the manufacturing industry. He had started his career at the production site of a factory after all. The first thing that Gun-Ho did when he arrived at GH Mobile that morning was to check the production site.

"Where are all the managers here?"

Whenever Gun-Ho had visited the production site, Director Jong-Suk Park or the plant managers came to Gun-Ho quickly to greet him. But, that day, he couldn't see any managers nor Director Park. When Gun-Ho spotted a worker who appeared to be one of the team leads in the production department, he asked him, "Where are the managers in the production site?"