Upcoming By-Election (1) – Part 2

Gun-Ho asked Min-Ho Kang, "Are you interested in participating in an election campaign?

"For which candidate? The former news anchor? Oh, wait. Let me see. The candidate— Mr. Jin-Woo Lee— was the one who presided over your wedding, right? You must know him very well then."

"Yes, I do know him personally. Would you help him in getting elected? I will pay for your work and effort, of course."

"I belong to a civic organization working to make our society better. I can't openly support one specific candidate or political party. Moreover, me holding a sign and a message supporting him at a four-way intersection in his area won't help."

"What has to be done then?"

"Let's talk about it later in person somewhere quiet. A phone conversation can be recorded, and if something happens, our phone conversation could get under investigation."

"Really? I will come to your office in Mapo Town right now."