Upcoming By-Election (2) – Part 1

The following day, Gun-Ho gave a call to Minister Jin-Woo Lee.

"Sir, it's Gun-Ho Goo."

"Oh, Mr. Class Manager. It has been a while."

"How are you these days? I often see news about you in the media these days."

"Don't get me started. My throat is sore, and my voice is hoarse now."

"I guess you have an extremely busy schedule, especially because the election precinct is large."

"I visited three senior citizen community centers the other day, and it took me the whole day. I've been running for election so many times before, and I can tell you that this is the hardest one. But, I'm positive that I will win."

"I agree with you, sir."

"You think so too, Mr. Class Manager?"

"Of course, sir. Not just me, who thinks you would win this election without any problems, but everyone, who took the class with us in the Advanced Center for Administrative Development at Seoul National University, thinks the same."