GH Machines – Part 1

It was Monday. Gun-Ho went to work in GH Mobile in Jiksan Town.

700 people were currently working at GH Mobile, but the workplace was very organized and well arranged. There was nothing found that seemed to be distracting or disordered. Thanks to President Song who established GH Mobile's systematic work environment by implementing procedures and policies that everyone must follow.

The production manager at the production site 1 was walking around his production site when he saw Gun-Ho coming there. He went close to greet Gun-Ho.

"Is everything fine here?"

"Yes, sir. Mr. Director Park is in his office right now."

Gun-Ho went to Director Park's office. He was writing down something at his desk.

"What are you doing there?"

"Oh, bro. You are here."

"I was told that you submitted your resignation letter."