GH Machines – Part 2

Gun-Ho went up to his office on the second floor. Secretary Hee-Jeong Park brought a cup of green tea for him.

"Please ask Mr. President Song to come to my office."

"Yes, sir."

After a moment, President Song entered Gun-Ho's office carrying a paper to be signed by Gun-Ho.

"I need your signature on this. It's about one of our executive officers."

"Is it about Director Jong-Suk Park's leaving our company?"

"Yes, it is, sir."

Gun-Ho signed the paper and asked President Song, "Did we report about Director Park's losing his Four Major Public Insurance?"

"Not yet, sir. We will do it after we get your signature on this."

"Please do it within today, so he could sell his company shares. He needs that money to start his business."

"Understood, sir."

"I just talked with Director Park before coming to my office. He wants to rent a factory in the Baekseok Agricultural and Industrial Complex."