Determination of Public Offering Price (1) – Part 1

A moment after Manager Myeong-Sook Jo left the office, the internal auditor came into Gun-Ho's office. A smile was on his face.

"Sir, I just received a call from our agent— the stock brokerage company. Tomorrow, they are opening the estimated demand for our share price which would reflect the institutional investors' interest in our company."

"Tomorrow? I wonder how many of them participated in it."

"I heard that there are more than 300 institutional investors who participated in calculating our initial share price."

"Opening it tomorrow means that it's sealed, huh?"

"That's right, sir. Would you like to go and see the opening tomorrow?"

"Who's coming tomorrow to see the result?"

"The participating institutional investors will be there. Also, the people from the stock brokerage company and related people will be there too. Oh, the auditor from the stock brokerage company must attend as well."