Night in Shanghai City (2) – Part 2

Director Yan Wu continued, "We have several scenes to shoot tomorrow during the daytime as well, such as the scene where she is thinking about something, changing her outfit, harboring a knife, etc. Those scenes will be shot in our movie studio."

"Hmm, I see."

Realizing that Mori Aikko had a hectic schedule, Gun-Ho thought that maybe he wouldn't be able to spend as much time as he wanted with Mori Aikko during this trip.

'I will have to stay here longer than I planned. I don't think I can go back to Korea tomorrow as initially planned. What am I going to tell Young-Eun? I have to come up with a very convincing and understandable excuse…'

Gun-Ho didn't drink much that evening because he knew by experience that he would feel terribly tired if he drank during a trip. Seukang Li seemed to restrain himself from drinking too much as well because he had to go to work the next morning. Director Yan Wu and Director Woon-Hak Sim also seemed to drink only a few glasses of liquor.