Night in Shanghai City (3) – Part 1

After seeing off Mori Aikko leaving for the film studio, he found himself being left alone in the hotel having nothing to do. He was supposed to go back to Korea, but he didn't want to.

"Well, I don't have anything specific that I have to do even if I go back to Korea anyway."

As a matter of fact, Gun-Ho's companies were doing fine without his presence. Each company had its own competent management people who were running the company's daily operation, and Gun-Ho didn't worry about a thing about those companies' businesses. Maybe it would be better that Gun-Ho wasn't there physically; he didn't want to interrupt their work.

Gun-Ho's role with these companies was to evaluate the management workers' work performances after hearing the report on each company's business, and either praise them or penalize them subsequently.

Gun-Ho watched the TV in his hotel room for a while, and then he walked out of the hotel; he was in a comfortable outfit.