Stock Accumulation of His Own Company (3) – Part 1

Gun-Ho had lunch outside his office building that day and came back to the office afterward. He was having a cup of coffee sitting on the sofa when GH Media's Mr. Yoshitaka Matsui knocked on the door and entered his office.

"Oh, Mr. Yoshitaka Matsui. Please come in."

"I thought you went to work in Jiksan Town and Asan City today, sir."

"Right. Since it's Monday, I was supposed to be there for work, but I decided to stay in Seoul to take care of other businesses."

"I see."

"How was your trip to Japan?"

"It was good. We signed a contract with a Japanese publishing company for four different books about self-development. The advancement payment for each book is set for less than 3,000 dollars."

"Good job."

"And, I had a chance to talk with Mama San Segawa Joonkko while I was in Japan. She told me that Mori Aikko hadn't been fully paid for her part in the movie from the movie production company."
