Stock Accumulation of His Own Company (3) – Part 2

The following day, Gun-Ho successfully sustained Dyeon Korea's stock price at the 19,500-won level. Every time when stock manipulators placed their Dyeon Korea's shares on the stock market for sale, Gun-Ho purchased them all right away. After repeating the same process over and over again, the stock manipulators became seemingly tired. Consequently, the volume of Dyeon Korea's shares that were placed for sale on the market decreased conspicuously.

Stock manipulators were not necessarily those who conspired to manipulate a stock price with an intent to make it happen. But, it could be an institutional investor who wanted to purchase or sell a substantial number of shares, or it could be a club where people gathered together to exchange information and trade the same stocks with a plan. Or, it could well be just a group of small individual investors who just happened to purchase or sell the same stock.