Tears of Miura Machines’ Owner President (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho deposited some funds in Seung-Hee sister's stock account again. He transferred a small amount of money to the account through several transactions rather than depositing large funds at once. He then made a call to Seung-Hee sister.

"Seung-Hee sister? It's me, Gun-Ho Goo."

"Oh, President Goo."

"Did you get a call from your stock brokerage firm again, maybe last month?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, I received a call from them once."

"What did they say?"

"They made a recommendation saying that I shouldn't do single stock trading because that would put me at a high risk of losing money. I've done single stock trading before, so I knew what they were talking about. I just told them that I would keep that in mind. After the call, I haven't received any other calls from them yet."

"Haha, really?"