Stock Split (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho gradually purchased Dyeon Korea's stock at the average price of 26,000 won. He bought almost 200,000 shares this time, and it cost him approximately 5.2 billion won. Even after he spent 5.2 billion won, he still had 5.4 billion won left in Seung-Hee sister's stock account, but he decided to take a pause there. That was because, if he purchased and held too many shares, the number of Dyeon Korea's shares available to trade on the stock market would noticeably decrease.

"This should be enough."

At that point, Gun-Ho reviewed the possibility of Dyeon Korea's stock split.

Gun-Ho had lately been sitting at his desk in his office doing stock trade every day. Once he decided to take a pause on stock trading, he felt somewhat liberated and relaxed. He stood up and walked toward his sofa, and he sat on it. He then called for his secretary—Ms. Yeon-Soo Oh.

"Please bring me a cup of coffee."

"Yes, sir."