Stock Split (3) – Part 1

As Gun-Ho filled up the Gongmyeong Party's secretary-general's glass with liquor, the secretary-general said, "Thank you, Mr. President Goo. You are indeed so young as I heard about it. People told me that you are a young business owner, and I've been wondering how young you are. I envy your youth."

"As I am relatively young, I still have a lot to learn. I do actually learn a lot from A Group's CEO Park here who has extensive experiences with work and also life."

CEO Park seemed to be in a good mood. After finishing half a glass of his liquor, he chipped in, "Mr. Secretary-general, you probably want to pay attention to Mr. President Goo here. He will soon emerge as a successful businessman in the field. Well, he is actually already a successful businessman who owns a company that is registered with KOSDAQ."

Gun-Ho smiled without saying anything in response.

CEO Park asked Gun-Ho, "President Goo, how much worth is Dyeon Korea's stock that recently became a public company?"