Stock Split (3) – Part 2

On the way out of the funeral after saying bye to CEO Park and the secretary-general, Gun-Ho ran into his friend from high school— Byeong-Chul Hwang. It was an unexpected encounter.

"Huh? Byeong-Chul Hwang? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Gun-Ho. The company that I'm working for is doing business with Egnopak. So, I came here on behalf of our chief research officer. He couldn't make it since he is on a business trip right now."

"Hmm, I see. Did you eat? I just finished mine, and I was about to leave."

"Yeah. I'm leaving too. Your face is red, Gun-Ho. Did you drink? You'd better watch out field sobriety test posts scattered everywhere at this late hour on the way home."

"It's okay. I have a chauffeur who will drive for me."

"Oh, that's right. You have your own chauffeur."

Byeong-Chul Hwang was making a face that didn't clearly show what he was thinking.

Gun-Ho asked Byeong-Chul Hwang, "What kind of business is your research center doing with Egnopak?"