Private Equity Fund (PEF) Company (1) – Part 1

After Director Woon-Hak Sim left for the airport heading to China, Gun-Ho started thinking again about what to do with Seung-Hee sister's stock account.

"I have to move a significant amount of money from that account. I should do it quietly without drawing any unnecessary attention…"

At that moment, Secretary Yeon-Soo Oh knocked on the door.

"Sir, someone is on the phone for you. It's from BM Entertainment's secretary's office."

"BM Entertainment? He could have just given me a call directly; he didn't have to go through his secretary's office just to talk to me. Well, please let him through."

When Gun-Ho picked up the phone, he could hear a woman's pretty voice on the other line.

"Is it Mr. President Gun-Ho Goo?"

"Yes, he is speaking."

"BM Entertainment's President Hyeon-Man Yee would like to talk to you, sir."

After a moment, Gun-Ho heard a man's voice. He sounded like a man in his late 50s.

"Hello, Mr. President Goo. This is Hyeon-Man Yee."