Private Equity Fund (PEF) Company (1) – Part 2

The following day, Gun-Ho met the stock brokerage firm's branch manager at Le Meridien.

Gun-Ho and the branch manager sat at the table of the Japanese restaurant— Hanazono— facing each other. They were having sushi with a glass of beer.

The branch manager said, "Dyeon Korea's sales revenue must have increased a lot, haven't it?"

"That's correct."

"How much does it generate on a monthly basis these days?"

"It's making around 7.5 billion won monthly."

"I guess that it will reach 100 billion won of annual sales revenue next year."

"I guess so, unless something major comes up."

"I've read a public announcement about new manufacturing facilities in India and China."

"Right. We had a factory in India and China before, and we added an additional manufacturing facility in each of the locations."

"Oh, I see. So, your company has factories in those two countries too— China and India."