Antang Transportation Company’s Board Meeting (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho received a call from Jae-Sik Moon in China.

"President Goo? It's me. The Chinese partner wants to hold a board meeting this coming Thursday. Is it okay with you? You should be here. Their National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held soon, and they want to finish the board meeting before that. If you can't make it this Thursday, they want to know when you would be available for the meeting."

"Is the terminal building completed?"

"The building itself is done. They are doing some finishing work inside the construction now, which cost a lot."

Gun-Ho hadn't been busy lately. He had plenty of spare time, so he thought that it would be nice to go on a trip to Guizhou Province, China.

"Did you say Thursday? That sounds fine. I will be there."

"I will prepare the profit and loss documents as of October. I will make the report by the board of meeting."