Antang Transportation Company’s Board Meeting (1) – Part 2

After one and half hour's walking in the park, Gun-Ho took the subway line no. 3 again, and came back to his office in GH Building, Sinsa Town. When it was almost 4 pm, Gun-Ho received a call from SH Investment Partners' President Geun-Soo Son. He usually sent a text message at the end of the day to give a brief report to Gun-Ho, but that day, he gave him a call instead.

"We are currently holding 530,000 shares. The average price that we had spent per share is 5,600 won."

"Hmm, I see."

"The funds that we have invested in the stock market so far is 2.968 billion won, sir. The 3 billion won that Ms. Seung-Hee Park had sent to the company's business bank account is almost depleted. What do you want me to know starting tomorrow, sir?"

"I want you to do the same work from tomorrow as well. I will send you an additional fund of 5 billion won."

"Huh? Did you say 5 billion won, sir?"