Presidential Candidate’s Little Brother (4) – Part 1

SH Investment Partners' President Geun-Soo Son was reading a news article from a newspaper. It was about Party Leader Jin-Woo Lee's little brother working for Dyeon Korea as its senior director. President Geun-Soo Son flung the newspaper down on the table and leaned back on the sofa.

He then mumbled, "Dyeon Korea's stock price hit the upper limit again today. It reminds me of Bosung Power Technology. That company is producing materials and equipment in the power industry, and its stock price also skyrocketed just because Ki-Moon Ban's— a former Secretary-General of the United Nations— little brother was working for that company. I believe that Mr. Ki-Moon Ban's little brother was the vice president of Bosung Power Technology at that time. Mr. Ki-Moon Ban implied that he might run for President at that time without giving a clear decision to the public yet.