Presidential Candidate’s Little Brother (4) – Part 2

Gun-Ho continued to speak to the news reporters in the meeting room, "Dyeon Korea is a financially stable company with a successful business. I have no idea why our company's stock was recently tied to politics and considered as a theme stock. I hope that investors do not go along with the stock manipulators that are disturbing the stock market intentionally. I want to make it clear that Dyeon Korea has nothing to do with Party Leader Jin-Woo Lee."

The next day, every economic newspaper covered what Gun-Ho had said.

[During the press conference yesterday, Dyeon Korea's President Gun-Ho Goo admitted that Gongmyeong Party's Leader Jin-Woo Lee's little brother is working for Dyeon Korea as its senior director. Party Leader Jin-Woo Lee's little brother— Mr. Hyeong-Woo Lee— studied in the U.S, and he joined Dyeon Korea to handle the company's expansion to overseas markets. He is currently in Guangdong Province, China to establish a manufacturing facility for Dyeon Korea there.