Selling Major Shareholder’s Stock (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho had a large lunch that day. After he came back to his office, he had his afternoon coffee before sitting at his desk. Once he sat at his desk, he opened the stock trading application.

"Hmm, Dyeon Korea's stock buy requests have noticeably reduced."

Gangnam Stock Brokerage Company was using a different strategy in selling Dyeon Korea's stock. When SH Investment Partners' President Geun-Soo Son was selling Gun-Ho's 3 million Dyeon Korea's stock, he let other sellers have a chance to sell their stock as well, but this time, whenever they see buy requests, they threw a massive number of the stocks at once in the stock market and made the market quiet. Gun-Ho opened the stock discussion forum for Dyeon Korea's stock.

"Evacuate, everyone. So many sell requests are pouring into the stock market now."

"Who the f*ck is selling that many?"