Selling Major Shareholder’s Stock (2) – Part 2

After getting off the phone with the branch manager of Gangnam Stock Brokerage Company, Gun-Ho thought about it with his eyes closed.

'The total number of shares that were issued so far is 26 million. Assuming that the unit share price is 20,000 won, Dyeon Korea's market capitalization is 520 billion won…'

When Gun-Ho was lost in thought, he received a call from Director Woon-Hak Sim in China.

"Sir, it's Woon-Hak Sim in China."

"Oh, hi. How have you been? Did they start playing the movie?"

"We have just finished counting the movie production cost taken by the movie production company. The movie will start showing everywhere in China starting next Monday."

"So, can I expect to see money coming in?"

"We should have taken the role as an investment company for the movie production. Since all happened in China, we couldn't do it. It's a shame."

"We have Huanle Shiji Production Company."