Selling Major Shareholder’s Stock (3) – Part 1

As Gangnam Stock Brokerage Company's branch manager predicted, Dyeon Korea's stock price continued to drop until it reached 20,000 something won, and it was maintaining that price range. Both buy requests and sell requests had noticeably reduced, resulting in a dramatic decrease of its trading volume.

Moreover, there was no additional input to the stock market from Party Leader Jin-Woo Lee or his political party.

"It is going in the direction just like the branch manager of Gangnam Stock Brokerage Company said."

Gun-Ho was thinking about what he would do with the funds that were accumulated in Dyeon Korea's reserve.

'We have 55.6 billion won in addition to the funds that we made from our sales activities. Should I distribute all of them to the shareholders as dividends? But, since it is a joint venture company, I have to share it with Lymondell Dyeon. GH Mobile and Lymondell Dyeon will receive 27.8 billion won for each.