Selling Major Shareholder’s Stock (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho was talking with Senior Director Hyeong-Woo Lee on the phone.

"Ever since you joined our company, Mr. Director Lee, Dyeon Korea has experienced significant fluctuation in its stock price recently. You are aware of it, aren't you?"

"I just heard about it, sir. Since I'm away from Korea, I am not very quick in getting news on things that are going on in Korea these days."

Gun-Ho smiled bitterly as Director Hyeong-Woo Lee said that he didn't know about it until recently.

'I don't buy it. I'm sure you joined Dyeon Korea with a purpose. When Dyeon Korea's stock was 6,500 won per share, someone bought a massive number of shares. I suspect that it was you, Mr. Director Heyong-Woo Lee. Well, I made my money as well.'