Big Deal (1) – Part 1

It was December, but it still felt warm with all the natural lights coming through the windows in the office. There was a big announcement from the opponent party of Gongmyeong Party. They brought in a tycoon-level figure to their political party. That person took a tour all over the country giving a lecture to people while implying that he might run for next President.

It seemed that Gongmyeong Party's Leader Jin-Woo Lee had to do something, not to lose the public support for him, to that new face in the opposing party. However, Jin-Woo Lee's political party was quiet for now.

The very same day, Gun-Ho was offered with another shocking suggestion. It was again from A Group's CEO Park at the planning and coordination department.

When Gun-Ho recognized the phone number from his ringing phone, he quickly answered it.

"Mr. President Goo? It's A Group's CEO Park. It's almost the end of the year. As we are wrapping up the year, would you like to have a cup of tea with me?"