Rumors About Acquisition (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho started making his announcement in a calm voice in front of the executive officer.

"First of all, as you all know, Mr. Senior Director Kim has tremendously been contributing to growing Dyeon Korea to its current status. He will be promoted to vice president."

"I haven't done much, sir… Thank you," said Director Kim.

Director Dong-Chan Kim knew about his promotion already since Gun-Ho had previously told him about it in person, but his face still brushed when the promotion was confirmed in front of other executive officers.

"Next, Mr. Hee-Yeol Yoo, who has been doing an excellent job in supervising our production site, will be promoted to a director position. He will still perform dual duties as a plant manager as well."

"I will do my best, sir."

Manager Hee-Yeol Yoo also blushed and gave a bow to Gun-Ho. The people in the room were not surprised by the promotions for these two people. It was expected and obvious.