Rumors About Acquisition (1) – Part 2

After getting off the phone with W Chemicals' CEO, Gun-Ho continued enjoying his jujube tea. At that moment, he received a call from W Chemicals' CEO again.

"When our people arrive there, they will request to take a look at the company's organizational structure and a list of the workers there. You can just hand to them a list of the workers that you currently have. We will need a list that includes everyone from the executive officers to cleaning crew."

"Understood. When they come here, they probably want to talk to our internal auditor here since our vice president is a foreigner who can't speak Korean."


Gun-Ho asked for Mr. Adam Castler later that day.

"Dyeon Korea's stock has been categorized as a theme stock as you have already noticed. I think we will see another huge price fluctuation again soon."

"Is that right?"

"And for that reason, many people suspect that I am somewhat related to politics. I think I'd better remove myself from Dyeon Korea's business."