Rumors About Acquisition (2) – Part 1

W Group's staff from its planning and coordination department visited Dyeon Korea and conducted their investigation on the company's assets. As their investigation was completed, Gun-Ho received a call from Dyeon Korea's internal auditor.

"Sir, W Group's investigation is over."

"Was there anything particular that they pointed out?"

"No, sir. They sent one senior manager and a manager to our location. They did a cursory review of the documents that we provided them with, and their check with our products in our storage was not thorough either."

"Is that right?"

"They took a copy of our organizational structure and a list of the employees."


There would be a meeting in GH Mobile tomorrow. Gun-Ho was expecting to receive this year's performance report and next year's business plan during the meeting.

"Maybe I should make an announcement on promotions in GH Mobile tomorrow right after I receive the report."