Rumors About Acquisition (3) – Part 1

Gun-Ho arrived at the grilled fish restaurant where he was supposed to meet Jong-Suk. President Jong-Suk Park was already there sitting at a table waiting for Gun-Ho. He saw Gun-Ho first, and he raised his hand as Gun-Ho entered the restaurant.

"Over here."

"Hey. Did you order for us already?"

"No, I was waiting for you, so we can order together."

President Jong-Suk Park handed the restaurant menu book to Gun-Ho. Gun-Ho picked several different grilled fish dishes such as mackerel, tuna, etc.

After they placed their order, Gun-Ho said, "President Park, you know that I decided to sell my ownership interest in Dyeon Korea, right?"

"What? What about me? What's going to happen to me then?"

"What does me selling the ownership interest in Dyeon Korea have to do with you?"

"Dyeon Korea is GH Machines' major client. We are building and selling machines to them."