Rumors About Acquisition (3) – Part 2

Gun-Ho said to Vice President Kim, "I already took care of it. Keeping every single current employee is part of the deal. So, you have nothing to worry about."

"Since W Group is a large company, I'm also a bit worried about how they would treat us; I mean possible power tripping and stuff."

"I doubt that. I had a meeting with W Group's chairman and W Chemicals' CEO the other day. They seemed to be all good people."

"You met with W Group's chairman, sir? Isn't that the one who is infamous for treating his employees so badly like kicking their shin?"

"Well, that happened a long time ago when he was a lot younger. He is an old man now, and I doubt that he would still do that now. Things are different these days. That sort of behavior doesn't work with the younger generation."

"That's true…"

Vice President Kim seemed to still be concerned about possible new changes that were coming.