Inaugurated as Chairman (1) – Part 2

It was December 14th. Gun-Ho received a call from Dyeon Korea's Vice President Kim.

"Sir, we received a fax from Lymondell Dyeon. Mr. Adam Smith's appointment to the president position has been confirmed."

"Oh, is that right? Please tell Mr. Adam Castler that I congratulate him on it. Well, I will give him a call myself."

"We will then go ahead and make the announcement on the promotions as we discussed and prepared earlier, sir. We will announce the promotions for mid-level management as well, along with the ones for our executive officers."

"Sounds good."

"Since the acquisition by W Chemicals hasn't been completed yet, we will just make the announcement about your position that you will be removed from the president position and be appointed to chairman."

"Okay, sounds good."

Gun-Ho could picture Mr. Adam Castler laughing with excitement and satisfaction with his appointment to Dyeon Korea's next president.