Inaugurated as Chairman (2) – Part 1

After GH Media's President Jeong-Sook Shin's party left the office, Gun-Ho called for Secretary Yeon-Soo Oh.

"I'm going to make a call to Dyeon Korea's Mr. Adam Castler now. I want you to interpret for me."

"Yes, sir."

"Mr. Adam Castler? Congratulations on becoming Dyeon Korea's president. We are very happy to have you as our president."

"Haha, thank you, sir. I want to thank you all for your support and help, especially you, Mr. Chairman."

"Did you hear anything from Lymondell Dyeon about my decision to sell my ownership interest in Dyeon Korea?"

"They said that there is no restriction on disposing of each partner's ownership interest. It's strictly up to each partner according to the joint venture contract. So, it's up to GH Mobile. However, they are concerned about the fact that the buyer— W Group— has its own chemical company. They are worried about possible leaks of their technology."