Dividend (1) – Part 2

Later that day when it was almost evening, Gun-Ho received a call from SH Investment Partners' President Geun-Soo Son.

"We completed selling all of our 3.2 shares as of today, sir. But, now someone seems to be raising the price again."

"It's fine. We sold all of ours already, and we are done. Let others play with it. So, what's the average price that we sold our shares at?"

"It's 58,000 won per share, sir."

"So, since we sold 3.2 billion won, we now have 185.6 billion won?"

"No, sir. Do you remember when we repeatedly bought and sold 500,000 shares? We made some more profits from those transactions. The balance that we can take out right now in cash is 188.6 billion won, sir."

"Hmm, is that right?"