Dividend (2) – Part 1

Gun-Ho was all ears when President Song said that he had an idea about resolving the high tax problem. President Song smiled and said, "I'm not talking about tax evasion, sir. I think that we can pay taxes in installments."

"Pay taxes in installments?"

"GH Mobile's current net earnings after tax are 13.3 billion won, but without considering tax, our net earnings are 17.1 billion won. If we combine this amount with the acquisition proceeds for Dyeon Korea of 272 billion won, it's 289.1 billion won. In other words, the amount of 289.1 billion is subject to tax."

"That's right."

"If we subtract transfer tax and corporate tax from this amount, the amount of money that we can distribute as dividends will be reduced almost in half. It could be even less than 150 billion won."

Gun-Ho let out a sigh.