Your Ladyship

Time passed quickly. By six in the evening, Ye Yang and his brothers were ready to go home, leaving the rest for the following day.

Ye Liu was wiping mud off his legs when he saw Ye Mo and Li Wazi walking towards him shoulder to shoulder. He called out to them, "Yo, I thought you guys broke off your friendship. You sure don't look like it!"

Simple-minded Li Wazi did not sense that he was joking, "Liu, that never happened."

Ye Mo glanced at Ye Liu, saying nothing. If he dared mutter a word, Ye Liu would come back blabbing a lot more, so no discussion was needed!

"Go," Ye Yang said and took the lead home.

Ye Liu quickly followed up, "Let's go, let's go! One moment without seeing Liu Duo leaves me frantic!"

Ye Mo and Li Wazi walked behind them.

Back home, Liu Duo and Ye Ling were still busy in the kitchen. Ye Ling helped boil the water while Liu Duo was in charge of cooking.