Ask Casually

Ye Mo and Ye Ling sat through the meal unhappily. Ye Mo was constantly frustrated by the case regarding Li Chunmei, while Ye Ling was upset because his brother was upset.

Ye Yang was stoic, as usual, his face occupying no expression in particular. Ye Liu was indifferent to everyone around him as he continued teasing Liu Duo.

It was bedtime again. After her bath, Liu Duo combed her hair in the bedroom and got ready for bed.

On the other hand, the four brothers were having a meeting in another room. Ye Ling told the others everything that Li Chunmei had said to Liu Duo that afternoon, down to the last detail.

"Liu, what do you think Mo should do about Li Chunmei?" Ye Ling asked in place of Ye Mo. He felt that Ye Liu would have many ideas, and one of them would work.