Hei Xiaomeng, Bai Xiaojiao

Ye Ling didn't know what he should say, so he held her hand tighter, giving her strength, in the hope that she would be reminded of the love and adoration from him and his brothers.

They went to the market to get some meat before heading back to the town entrance, where Wong Tuozi's ox-cart was parked as he waited for his passengers.

"Here, Duo Er, let me carry them for you. You rest up. Don't hurt your hands," Ye Ling wanted to take over the meat and cat cage she was holding.

She smiled, knowing that Ye Ling cared for her. "That's alright. I'm not so weak, am I? I'm not a rich lady who can't carry her weight."

He gave a serious reply, "Duo Er, though you are not a rich lady, you are a princess to us."

Liu Duo was quite surprised to hear that. Ye Ling, this cute little critter, could actually be romantic?

The longer she stayed with the brothers, the more she managed to discover their many sides.