He Hated Dogs, And Cats Too

When Ye Mo came back from the paddy fields, he saw Liu Duo playing with Hei Xiaomeng, while Ye Yang observed them. The puppy noticed Ye Mo return and rushed to him, barking.

Hei Xiaomeng seemed small and plump, but his bark was quite loud. Imagine how it would sound like when it got bigger!

"Where did this dumb dog come from? His bark is annoying!" He furrowed his brow, as he was reminded of how much he hated dogs.

He hadn't liked dogs, or cats either, ever since he was young. It was as though he was never destined to be with them.

Liu Duo called out, "Stop it, Hei Xiaomeng. That's Little Mo. He's family. Only bark at strangers from now on. Got it?"

It seemed that Liu Duo loved it very much, from the way she patted its head, "This is Hei Xiaomeng - not some dumb dog! I bought it for fifty taels."

Ye Mo shrieked when he heard that, "What? A dumb dog for fifty taels? Have you lost your mind!"