Familiar Strangers

Grandmother Liu wouldn't stand for it and lunged at Grandmother Ye, "You damn old hag. Let's see if I don't tear you apart!"

And so that was how two old woman got into a fight. Hei Xiaomeng barked and leapt about on the sidelines, as though he were cheering them on!

Ye Yang was skinning the bamboo shoots and was about to say something to them when Liu Duo's voice rang out, "Hey, if you do want to go at it, please take it far far away from my house. You're disturbing us!"

"Little Duo, we got a free show!" Ye Liu said mischievously, his arms wrapped around her shoulders.

Seeing two old women in a fight was quite delectable.

It just seemed like women, regardless of age, would use the same techniques when they fight. They either pull the hair or claw at the face!

The noise got louder. Ye Mo furrowed his brows and walked out from the kitchen. He yelled at the top of his lungs, "You two old good-for-nothings, get the heck out of my house now!"