Already Said The Last Time

When Liu Duo heard her, she stopped hitting her. "I don't have a mother. If you want to look for her, look somewhere else!"

The two of them were chased away to the yard door. "The two of you can scram. Our house doesn't welcome you! You better not let me hear what you said just now again. Otherwise…"

Liu Duo went to the side, grabbed Ye Mo's firewood chopping ax, and then walked towards them.

When Grandma Liu and Grandma Ye saw it, their entire bodies started to tremble. "You… you... What are you doing? You wouldn't dare to swing it at us!"

Both of them said the same thing but, in their hearts, they felt fearful.

A bang rang out. Liu Duo swung the ax at their main entrance of house so hard that she couldn't pull it out. The corner of her mouth raised up to form a smile. She looked at the two of them and said, "You guys can keep testing me if you want to know whether I would dare to, or not."