What Would He Do

This angered Grandmother Liu, "Ungrateful filth! How dare you say that to me?" She stepped forward, intending to hit him.

Liu Duo intervened and blocked her, furrowing her brow, "Old hag, if you dare to touch a single hair on him, I'll personally break you apart! Do you have no ears, or do you have no brains? Stop calling us family! We never had a grandmother!"

She wasn't as obedient as Liu Quanfu. She wouldn't just stand by and let the mad, old woman take it out on Liu Ran!

"You...." Grandmother Liu pointed at her, searching for words, but Liu Duo barred her from speaking.

"You better get this straight. We have nothing - nothing at all - to do with you or anyone in your family, so stop spreading nonsense in front of us. Otherwise, you won't be able to blame me for not holding back!"

She grabbed Liu Ran's hand, moved away from the mad, old woman, and they marched forward.