I Don't Want It

Liu Duo was the only one who could fork out the money. Who else in their family was rich enough to lend to them?

Even if Liu Duo were to hand over the cash, she knew that Liu Qing loved to gamble, so she might not get her money back at all.

"Let's go report it to the village chief. She kicked you and beat me, so I'll demand some compensation from her!" Grandmother Liu said viciously, as she helped Liu Quanyan get up.

She was not giving up on the money!

Liu Ran had grown to practically worshiped Liu Duo. He was completely marveled, "Wow, sis, you were so cool back there!"

Liu Duo grinned at him, "We can't be weak when there's people we want to protect. Tolerance feeds the flames of tyranny, so we have to fight back when we should! Got it?"

"Yes, I got it. I want to be like you when I grow up. I want to protect you too, Sis," Liu Ran said, nodding.

He wouldn't want to be like his parents, who were weak, powerless, and tolerant to a fault!