Want Me To Compensate? Dream On

Liu Liushi took a piece of cloth and unwillingly wiped his sweat away. Liu Quanfu sat aside and said meekly, "Not yet."

He thought that Grandmother Liu wouldn't get a single coin from Liu Duo. She was no longer the Liu Duo they had once known. Even he, as her father, was a little frightened.

Also, why should she pay up?

After wiping away the sweat, Liu Liushi sat aside, muttering to herself, or was she speaking to Liu Qing? "Duo Er won't pay. She's already given eight hundred taels, so why would she give more? Even if she hasn't given the money, she won't start now!"

Liu Qing heard that and furrowed his brow unhappily, "Aunt, how can you say that? This is an emergency now. Don't you see my leg is injured? The Liu family blood runs in her body, and I'm her big brother! If she doesn't give us the money, then let her bleed out for us!"

"Qing Er, you..." Liu Liushi furrowed her brow. How could he speak so deviously?