Were The Two Bathing Together?

Staring at the wooden door, she yelled, "Why do you care? I don't need you to rub my back. I'll do whatever I please, if that means taking baths twice, then so be it!"

She decided not to entertain him any further. That blasted busybody outside could be very irritating!

Ye Ling also looked at the wooden door, then shyly spoke in a soft whisper, "Duo Er, are you done?"

Hearing the gentleness in his voice, Liu Duo approached him and whispered back, "No, I want to spend a little more time in the bath with you."

Ye Mo could hear her displeasure from outside, and he loved it as he thought to himself, my wife is so smart, she knows exactly what I'm thinking!

Then he turned and headed to the outhouse to deal with his needs.

The two heard him go and each heaved a sigh of relief.

The blasted third wheel's finally gone, thought Liu Duo.

Mo has finally left, thought Ye Ling.